Who Are We?

Corrosion Instruments (CI) is a tech startup.
CI was founded with the intent of developing instrumentation and tech which didn’t exist but should. After several years in the pipeline industry, founder Sam Pattemore had identified many potential improvements for monitoring and measuring of cathodic protection systems. Thus, Corrosion Instruments was founded to facilitate the development of this technology.
Going forward, CI will continue to develop its own new tech for the CP and pipeline industry as well as branching out into other industries.
CI can also develop tech specifically for you. If there is a tool or device that you need but doesn’t exist, we can make it for you.
Our Mission
We want to work with you to develop the tools that you want.
At Corrosion Instruments, we are passionate about precise, simple and accurate scales and measures.
Cathodic Protection (CP) has long been dubbed a “black art”; at corrosion instruments, we believe that CP is science.
We aim to de-mystify the art of CP measurement through the use of highly accurate, simple, automated instrumentation.
Our instruments provide highly repeatable results in applications where traditional means have produced great variation and, at times, a great deal of frustration.
We aim to save you time and money by automating the parts of CP measurement that should have always been automated.
We aim to provide insights into your assets, CP systems, and interference sources by supplying clear visual displays of information that you didn’t previously have.
By increasing the data accuracy we aim to prevent the addition of unnecessary CP infrastructure and identify unprotected assets prior to catastrophic failure.
Our Team

FOUNDER - Managing Director
Sam pattemore

Senior - Electrical Engineer
Robson Oliveira dos Santos

Senior - Software Engineer
Bjorn Christie-Johnston

Sales Manager
Joel Benesha

Visit Us
- 103/3 Mansfield St Palmerston
- sales@corrosioninstruments.com
- 08 7918 9788