CI-Tx for Optimised Cathodic Protection
CI-Tx is a system designed to extend your asset’s life through continuous, automatic monitoring and control of cathodic protection (CP). You will be notified of CP problems as they occur and enabled to fix them before they affect your asset.
Manual surveys will become a thing of the past, as will annual reporting and annually adjusting setpoints in response to your annual surveys.
CI-Tx monitors your CP system 24/7, reacting in real time to seasonal changes, soil resistivity and ageing assets, ensuring that your CP system’s configuration is always most effective.
CI-Tx will revolutionise cathodic protection
- Optimise the application of CP
- Eliminate manual surveys
- Eliminate or Reduce CP downtime
- Automate CP reporting
- Pre-empt augmentation requirements
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Test Point Monitoring
A closed loop automatic CP control system starts with robust polarisation monitoring. We have developed two types of polarisation monitor: the Polilog and the Interlog.

Polilog stands for POLarisation and Interference LOGger. Designed specifically for continual monitoring and surveying at CP test points, it will eliminate the need for manual surveys. Our proprietary Infrequent Interrupt Routine will enable you to measure precision Instant-Off potentials every day. Polilog will also automate Stray Current Surveys, Depolarisation Surveys and Instant-Off Surveys.

Interlog stands for INTERrupt-and-LOG. Utilising an internal 2A relay, Interlog can interrupt a sacrificial anode or a coupon in order to extend the capabilities of the Polilog to sacrificial systems.
Polilog and Interlog will change the way CP is monitored forever
- First-class polarisation measurement
- Global connectivity - works anywhere
- Long-term autonomous operation - superior battery life
- Automated surveys
Polarisation Measurement
Polarisation is measured using an industry-leading 200MΩ sensing circuit and 16-bit ADC, enabling long-term use of permanent copper reference cells.
GPS time synchronisation is utilised to give you millisecond timing accuracy, allowing you to take precision Instant-Off measurements.
Other Measurements
In addition to Polarisation measurements, all Polilogs measure AC Voltage and Temperature.
Polilogs can be used to monitor drainage bonds, Insulation Joints and corrosion Coupons.
Global Connectivity
We utilise two very different communication technologies to ensure secure and reliable connectivity from any testpoint.
The Myriota Satellite network is perfect for low power, low cost monitoring of CP in remote locations.
LoRaWAN is perfect for monitoring CP in built-up and hard to reach places like under roads and footpaths.

Works Anywhere?
Just about! All units are IP67 rated, UV-stabilised and have a working temperature of –20°C to 70°C. The enclosures are so small that they can fit inside a 62mm tube. We have worked closely with our early adopters to ensure that our devices can be installed almost anywhere.
Superior Battery Life
5-15 years! That’s how long you should expect the battery to last, depending on the type of installation and the frequency of measurements.
TRU/CPU Monitoring and Control
TRULink continually monitors the output of your Impressed Current CP Unit (CPU) as well as its supply (for off grid systems), but TRULink is much more than a remote monitoring device.
TRULink manages precision current Interruption to enable Instant-Off surveys, Depolarisation surveys and insulation joint testing.
TRULink also implements our Infrequent Interrupt Routine (IIR) which interrupts the CP current for 1 second each hour, day or week, enabling regular monitoring of Instant-Off potentials.

TRULink can enable automatic rectification of many CP problems. Combined with CI-Tx test point monitors, TRULink enables intelligent CP control to optimise protection across your entire asset. Using GPS time synchronisation, surveys of all types are a breeze. Our proprietary Infrequent Interrupt Routine even enables daily monitoring of Instant-Off potentials.

TRULink Interface Module
Our External Interface Module (EIM) enables easy integration of the TRULink into any TRU panel. The EIM comes in 2 variations:
- 4-20mA current loop monitoring version, and
- direct variable monitoring version.

CI-Tx Central
Your data is accessible through a powerful, yet highly intuitive web-based user interface which has been built from the ground up for CP management. You can configure alarms, produce reports and do pretty much anything you want with your data. Soon, you will even be able to incorporate all of your existing CP and asset data, centralising all things CP and enabling even greater analytics and visibility. Our secure API allows you to integrate the field data with third party applications.