TRUSync Portable support page
TRUSync Portable is a portable GPS sychronised current interrupter designed to enable all sorts of surveys on both impressed current CP systems and sacrificial CP Systems.
On this page you will find tutorial videos, the user guide, and a few example hook-ups. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance

How To Configure an Interruption Pattern
Auto-Start Feature
Device Parameters
Firmware Update
How to Turn off the TRUSync Portable
Bluetooth Settings
GPS Settings
GPS Sync and Autostart demonstration
TRUSync Portable V3 Preliminary User Guide

Typical Hook-up
Typically, the TRUSync Portable is connected between Structure and Anode on sacrificial systems and between Structure and Ground bed on impressed current systems.
The TRUSync Portable is bi-polar meaning that it does not matter which way it is connected. Both terminals are black, but the installation image show a red cable connecting one terminal to the Structure. This is common because test leads are usually purchased in red/black pairs.
The interrupter can also be connected between Structure and Coupon or Structure and Electrical Resistance Probe as per your requirements.